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Saturday, June 28, 2008

VBS and Dentist

We had VBS at church this week and it was a wonderful time! We had over 500 children and over 200 workers in attendance each day! The children brought in offering money to help drill a water well for a village in Africa through ICDI and the children raised over $7000! We also had an anonymous donor that offered to doubly match (up to $4000) the children's donations, so we raised over $15,000!!! That is enough to drill a well, and then some! AMAZING!!!

So this was Toby's first year at VBS, and being 3, he is old enough to be in a big kids class (instead of the nursery). The first day, his teachers were questioning his age. Wanting to make sure he was in fact old enough to be in the class. I assured them that he was. By the second and third day, he had won the hearts of everyone in his department. I think they were sad when I came to pick him up. He did so well. And he LOVED going! They also commented "it seems everywhere we go, everyone knows who Toby is!" He just has that way with people. Everyone loves Toby!

Toby and his class got to perform in the closing program Friday night! I had no idea what to expect! I was afraid he would get on stage, look out at the several hundred people, and freak out. Nope! Not my boy! He sang, he did the motions, and he even threw out a "Hi Mom" to me! So here is a photo taken with my phone (what a terrible mommy, forgetting the camera!) But he's the LITTLE one in the middle, doing the motions as well as the next person!

Taylor and Drew also sang songs on stage, but they've done it before. While I was very proud of them, too, I couldn't get photos of them because their classes were much bigger and they were both in the back. Let me just say, it was awesome!

We also had a trip to the dentist this week! This was Toby's second trip to the dentist, but the first time he let the hygentist put anything in his mouth! He kept saying he was a chipmunk, so we would tell him to open his mouth big like a chipmunk! She wasn't able to do a cleaning, but they did notice some areas of concern, so we are heading to a specialist in the next few weeks. Please pray that whatever it is, it can be treated and he will have no long term effects. Right now it's just baby teeth, so they may do nothing, but we just want to make sure that his permanent teeth are not effected!
God is Good!

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