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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Just some random observations over the past few weeks... I'd love to hear your thoughts...

- Life is tough, but I could not ever imagine being a teenager again. As I hung out at Alive, I couldn't believe the randomness of teenagers. It seems that they are all searching and trying to fit in. Why can't life be simple again. Only a few pair of jeans to choose from... communicating by letter, or a phone that was attached to the wall of your house? I heard from someone at Alive that they are considering eliminating cursive writing in school curriculum. It's never used anyway, is it?

- One of the craziest sites at Alive was walking past some electrical outlets each morning and evening. It was "the place to be". I even heard one young lady say it was a great place to meet guys. Everyone had a cell phone and they all had to recharge a lot, I'm sure because of the thousands of text messages they send each day. Of course, I had to charge mine a few times, but at least I had a car to plug into! I wanted so badly to take a photo of all these kids huddled around the outlets, but I never did. Now I know why our Youth Pastor does not allow cell phones on mission trips or other events for our students. How would they ever get anything accomplished.

- Another Cell phone observation - I had to chuckle, as I looked out over the crowd of 15,000 people at Alive. Down in "the pit" (the place where you could go and stand, and be closer to the bands) you could just see all these little glowing boxes. It took me a while to figure out what it was. I've heard about performers saying light up your phones, in place of the old light up your lighters, but that wasn't what I was seeing. I slowly realized what I was seeing was hundreds of people, young and old, taking photos with their phones. It was the strangest thing to me.

- On an adoption note, I have recently realized how many people tell me how cute Toby is. Now, I know my children are all cute, and I often feel bad for Taylor and Drew, as people dote over Toby. But I am realizing that all too often, I think people are simply acknowledging that Toby must be adopted, and don't really know what to say, so they say he's cute. I've discussed this with the older two, and I hope they understand that their little brother is no cuter than they are. I just worry that it will cause jealousy. So far, I think they understand that people are just curious.

- Another recent observation is... Toby is TINY! We have VBS this week, and he is in a class with 3 and 4 year old children. I can not believe how much smaller he is than everyone else. Lately, people who are around him have been commenting on how much he is growing, and I agree. But he is still wearing 24 month clothes! (up from the 18month ones he was wearing when he came home almost a year ago) According to the doctor, he is doing well, just on the small end of the charts. In comparison to our nephew, who is 4 days YOUNGER than Toby, and what seems like twice as big! I guess I can't complain... it's just more proof that God intended for him to be a Mills! We are short!

Anyway, enough rambling! I just had these things in my head and had to get them out... and you lucky 5 people that read this, are the ones to hear it!

God is Good!

1 comment:

Lori said...

oh to be a teen again...........NO THANKS!!!!!!!!