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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why Adopt?

(Yes, today is November 4th! Yes, I voted... that's all I have to say about that!)

So this has got to be THE MOST ASKED QUESTION of adoptive parents. Why did you adopt, why didn't you have children of your own (or in our case MORE children of your own)? I am not sure why people are so nosy, but they are. Nosy may not be the best word, interested, intrigued, curious may be better words. When you are a family of blond hair, blue eyed children, and you adopt a child of a different ethnic background, you are opening the door for people to ask questions. I have always been okay with that! I love all my children, and the stories of how they came to be my children are each unique and special and very important! I have no problem sharing.

So here is the answer.... I guess. I'm sure if you asked Nate, he may give you a different answer, but my interest in adoption began at a young age. My babysitter growing up, Mrs. Coe, was a foster mother. She opened her home to many children, I'm sure, but one in particular always stood out in my mind. I do not remember the boys name, but I know that he was hurting, and he found love in that home. I was intrigued, and a seed was planted. Before I knew Him, God was working in my heart.

At a fairly young age, 16 or 17, I had a few doctors tell me that I would have a hard time having children. While I always wanted to be a mother, this did not bother me. It was pretty simple at the time... I'll just adopt!

When I fell in love (again at a young age!) and knew that Nate and I were going to be together forever, we discussed this kind of stuff. He was always very encouraging and supportive of adopting children!

After we were married, thinking I would have a hard time getting pregnant we decided to just let things happen... well... they happened alright! God is much wiser than any doctors, and 10 1/2 months after the wedding, we welcomed a gorgeous baby girl into our lives, Taylor Brooke! Still we thought we would adopt one day.

Three and a half years, and several doses of Clomid later, Drew joined our family! What a blessing! Still we would adopt "some day"!

Then after 2 miscarriages and the loss of our son Kaleb through stillbirth, and while pregnant again, we decided now is the time to adopt. We felt that once our third child was born, we would begin looking into adoption. Well, our baby girl, Alicia went to be with Jesus as well, and after a time of grieving, we began the adoption process.

Looking back, God had an amazing plan for us. And we know that all of our children were a gift from God! No matter how short their lives. And we know that God had an amazing plan for our Toby's life as well! We are so grateful to be a part of that plan! Will we adopt again... God knows! I would love to, and would do it many more times, but sadly it is not financially possible in the near future. Will it be a child from Korea? A child from Haiti? A child from the US? Who knows, but one day, I have to believe that God has a plan, and if it is His will, we will be parents again, and give hope to a child, and add love to our family!

God is Good

1 comment:

Life with la familia said...

Yes, today is indeed Nov. 4th and I would MUCH rather talk and read about adoption than the election! Thanks for the adoption posts. I cried while I watched your video (again). Keep the good stuff coming!