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Thursday, July 24, 2008

A year ago, I was shaking in my shoes! I could not wait until the moment that was just before me. To welcome home the son I had prayed for, longed for, prepared for for so many years! I was packing the diaper bag for the 50th time, I was cuddling my "two" kids for the last time, we were eating a meal as a family of 4 for the last time, Nate and I were planning a final date night for a while. It was so much excitement and anticipation, and it was all worth it!

Toby Joon Suk came home July 26th 2007 and it has been a year full of miracles, fulfilled dreams, growth, potty training and so much more. Here is a short video of some of Toby's "firsts" since being home with us! Enjoy!

God is Good!

1 comment:

Life with la familia said...

I can't believe the year has gone by so quickly either, Carol. It's been so fun to watch Toby grow and change and become a Mills!