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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Four Down

Only four more to go! Today was the craziest day yet! I knew I needed to get the lawn mowed, I didn't want to get behind on that, about half way through, I ran out of gas!! I couldn't go get more until all the childcare kids were gone, so the mower sat in the middle of the yard all afternoon! Then, as soon as everyone left, we headed out to grab a bite to eat at CiCi's (thanks to kids eat for 99 cent Tuesdays!!) and get some gas. After that, we had to run Taylor over to play practice, and I had to run and get groceries. By the time we got home, at 9PM I had to unload groceries, finish mowing, get Toby in the tub, put groceries away, do the trash and then get the big kids in the shower. So it's 10PM and I'm wooped!! This is one of those days where I wish I had my second pair of hands! I miss you dear!

On a more lighter note, we had a beautiful day today, and spent all of it outside. We literally only went inside for lunch. It was great! The kids were so good! Taylor had Annaliese spend the night last night and we walked her home, which was fun!

Derek provided some comic relief!!
Drew was providing autographs for anyone who wanted them.
Taylor was in charge of all that was going on.Thank you daddy for calling today at just the right time to tuck Toby in for his nap. That was special! He is really missing you!
We are praying for the Homeless experience tomorrow. Be safe! We are also praying for all the students on the trip. That God will continue to push them to where they have no doubts about the Power and Grace of their Loving Father, and they will take that faith into Wayne County!

Sadly, as I began to post on the blog, my phone said I had a message... and it was daddy! I'm not sure how we missed your call, but we did! Thanks for the call, it was nice to hear your voice and the kids were happy to hear it as well! We love you, too!

God is Good!

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