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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Some Great Books

With the summer reading program at our library in full swing, we are reading up a storm around here! It is fun to see the kids so excited about reading! I saw a post on an adoption board about books about adoption, so I thought I would list some of my favorites here, in case any of you are interested in speaking with your children about adoption!

Here is a book we got from the library, and I hope to buy as a gift for Toby on the anniversary of his Forever Day in July! It is a very sweet book that touches on foreign adoption, the differences in appearance of adoptive children and their parents, as well as the questions they have about their biological parents, like "Does my birthmom's hair stick up like mine?" It is very sweet, and I look forward to many discussions with Toby as he grows up because of this book!

This is a very cute little book about a bird who is trying to find his mother. Many other "mothers" say they can't possibly be his mother because they have differences in appearance, until he meets Mrs. Bear. She looks past that and loves Choco. He comes to find out she has many children, that all look very different. While it doesn't speak about "adoption" exactly, it is a sweet story of how we should love people, no matter the appearance.

I had to throw this one in there as well. Shaoey and Dot is written by Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman. They founded the Shaohannah's Hope Foundation, which provided a very generous grant for Toby's adoption. This story is about an adoption from China, but is still very special and can be related to our situation with Toby. A dear friend from church gave me a copy of this book, and it has been well loved! Thanks Becky!
For those of you that wonder about the Birth Mothers, and what leads them to make such difficult decisions, this book is a great one! This is a compilation of letters Korean birth mothers have written to their children. It is BEAUTIFUL! While I have only read through half of the book, it brings tears to my eyes with each letter I read. I look forward to sharing this book with Toby many years down the road. Letting him know that while these letters may not be specifically from his Birth Mom... I'm positive they are words she would want him to hear!

I have a shipment coming from Amazon this week, with four new adoption/Korea books! I may post again soon on my thoughts/recommendations of these books!

Happy summer reading everyone!!

God is Good!

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