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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Well, it's been 11 years since this photo was taken! Where has the time gone? This is with Nate's parents, I had it on the computer from a video I created for them, no disrespect to my parents!

Anyway, it has been a wonderful 11 years. We got married after 5 1/2 years of dating and it was a beautiful, sun filled day! Everything went beautifully! God has blessed us so much since that day! Ten months after the wedding, Taylor Brooke joined our family! And to think the Doctors told me I likely wouldn't have children of my own! God knows best!! Then 3 1/2 years later, little Andrew Nathanial came into our lives, bursting forth with as much energy as he has today! We bought our first home nearly 6 years ago, and live in a very special neighborhood that we love to call home.

While our joy took a few detours while trying to expand our family, and we have four wonderful babies in heaven, God knew that he had even bigger plans for us, and nearly a year ago, little Toby Joon Suk joined our lives forever! God is so Good!

I look forward to what our future holds, more children... only God knows, a different house... only God knows, new jobs... only God knows! Isn't it awesome that we don't have to worry about these things? God already knows the path our lives will take. We just need to continue to be obedient to His calling, and I know... he will continue to bless us, for many, many years!

So today, as Nate and I take the weekend to reconnect, and re-energize, I know that God has everything in his more than capable hands! I will miss my kiddos tonight, but I know that this time away, will only make me love them, and their father, even more!

God is Good!

1 comment:

Life with la familia said...

Happy Anniversary, guys! It's amazing to see where God has taken you so far.