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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One Tired Momma!

Toby has been sick! UGH! The poor kid! He's been spiking a fever at night. He's fine during the day, but running a fever through the night. At about 1:30 Tuesday morning, it was over 104, so I decided to take him to the ER. Because of his kidney problems, I didn't want to chance anything. So after sitting in the ER for over 5 hours (and going on about 3 hours sleep), enduring many painful tests, a failed blood draw, an X-ray of his lungs (yeah, no cough, just trying to bill us for everything they can!) they sent us home, saying it's a virus and will run it's course. Again last night, fever over 104, another fitful, sleepless night. So I call the Pediatrician today and they want to see him... again, sent home... it's only a virus... which can take 5 days to get through the system.

Two more nights of this will put me in a straight jacket!! So if you see me around, and I appear to be drugged, I probably am!

Pray for me... pray for my family... pray for poor Toby, that this crazy fever will not return!

But still.. God is Good!

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