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Friday, May 30, 2008

The Last Day of School...

Well, today, I put the kids on the bus for the last time as a Kindergartener and Fourth Grader! I truly couldn't be prouder. Because I'm a psycho mom, I made the kids where the shirts they wore on the first day of school. Actually they didn't even fight me on it, they thought it was a neat idea!!

So here is the first day of school for Taylor...
And Drew...
And here they are on the last day of school! Drew really fills out his shirt, and Taylor looks so much more grown up!

Drew's class party was today, and it was a joy to be there celebrating with he and his classmates!
They got to play Freeze Tag!
Mr. Ickes joined in a game of Kick ball!
One last photo of the Kindergarten Kean Class of 2020 enjoying a popsicle snack! We were teasing that Mr. Ickes was hanging himself in that tree after this year! This was his first year teaching, and the kids LOVED him! It was really a great year!
They had a little time at the end to enjoy in their classroom, while they munched on pizza, fruit, cookies and chips. I don't think anyone went home hungry!

And one last photo for Drew and Mr. Ickes. He will be remembered for the friendly rivalry he and Drew had regarding the Browns and the Squeelers... Err...Uhh..I mean Steelers. Mr. Ickes is a BIG Browns fan!

It was a great year. One that the children have grown tremendously through. I look forward to the fun we will have this summer, the wonderful weather (Okay, I live in Ohio... a girl can dream!), and the time we will have together!

God is Good!

1 comment:

Life with la familia said...

Cute, cute! I love the crazy mom 'same shirt as day #1' t-shirt idea as well...maybe that will appear at the Lee house someday?!? Is that Anna Munro workin' a double Popsicle in the class picture?