The kids play!! I was gone for the weekend at Women of Faith conference in Columbus! I had a wonderful time, but I missed my kids (and Nate) a great deal. While I never worried about them, I did hope they didn't just sit around the house all day! Well, while I was gone, I got these photos texted to my phone! I think they had a blast...
Daddy was a super hero for the weekend! Here are the boys on the trampoline at our place!
Here are they kids enjoying the park!
This is Toby enjoying the Oriental buffet! We have taken him in the past, and he didn't eat much. We just assumed it was overwhelming for him being in that environment and thought we would try again later... Well... He LOVED it! Nate said he couldn't get him to stop eating! He was so happy to be there, so I guess that is our new restaurant!
And my favorite... The three of them at the park, truly enjoying being together!
I will say, I came home to a different house then I left (and I'm not just talking about the mess)! Whether God worked in me, or them, or all of us, I'll never know. But sometimes separation works miracles! The kids just got along so well on Sunday, they appreciated me (Nate realized how much work making dinner is and says he'll never complain again about what I make). And I know I have a new outlook as well!
God is Good!
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