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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This and That...

Well, I haven't posted in a while, so here's an update..

Toby... we had a meeting before his birthday about Preschool. He will be attending our Tri-County preschool through the public school system on an IEP for his speech. This simply means that he will attend a preschool that will assist him with his speech and communication delays. He has a vocabulary of about 50 - 75 words or so, and will "mimic" anything we say, but putting everything together is a whole other thing. He is improving every day, but this preschool will really get the ball rolling. Right now we have been doing speech, every other week for an hour. It just hasn't been enough to get him going.

Drew... is just enjoying being Drew right now! He spends every spare moment "shooting hoops" and just loves being outside. I think he's ready for Kindergarten to be over... I know I am! We have had some struggles with some kids in the classroom and on the bus, and we are working through them, but I have started to pray about who will be in his class next year!

Taylor... still going strong in Soccer! She scored a goal again last weekend, nearly scored a second but the halftime whistle blew, darn it! She is improving each week, and just loves to play! She is looking forward to summer. June is already completely booked with church camp, family vacation and the Alive Festival. She is going to be a busy girl... and a 5th grader before we know it! There will be no Ohio Light Opera this year, as they have no kids parts, but surprisingly she was okay with that... that means she can go to church camp!

Nate...Judgment Come did their recording in studio a few weeks ago. It will be several more weeks until we get copies. School is going well. He is considering taking the summer off. I think he should just plow through and get it done, but I'm not the one doing all that he is doing right now, so I have no say, as it should be!

Me... I'm just looking forward to a few days away, as I go to Women of Faith this weekend with a group from church. We always go down early Friday and spend the day at Easton. While I am not a shopper... I have saved up some spare change this time around, and hope to get a few new things. But whenever I go shopping, and actually HAVE MONEY, I can never find anything. My girlfriend Cher insists that she can help me spend the money... and I know she can!

We are all enjoying this beautiful weather, as a Cardinal flies past our window!! I LOVE SPRING! I've been out in the flower beds and yard a lot, and look forward to doing some more planting in the coming weeks!

God is Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been a good kind of busy!