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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

Well, if there is one thing about Blogger that I can't figure out, or don't like, it's that all the photos are posted backward. You would think that as you add photos, they would be added to the bottom, but they are not... the add the new ones at the top! Usually I rearrange them, but I'm not up for that tonight, so you will get the events of Christmas Day, then Christmas Eve!

Here is Drew on Christmas Day opening a gift from Grandma and Paps Tucker. He got a Clone Wars DVD. Yes, it was another Star Wars Christmas for Drew! I am amazed at his continued interest in it. More on that later...

Here is Taylor opening her big gift of the year. She got a new digital camera. It is not something she asked for, but something I knew she would enjoy. She was thrilled, and has already gone crazy taking photos. Aunt Katy got her a memory card and a case for her camera as well.
And on Christmas morning, daddy got a little spoiled. Mom got a great deal from a co-worker on a gently used iPod. Nate had been wanting one FOREVER, and all I ever heard was how sad it was that his GRANDMOTHER had one and he didn't. Well... now he can enjoy his! (You will notice, when mom is the photographer, and the blogger... there are no beautiful Christmas morning photos of her :))
Here is daddy and Toby first thing in the morning. Drew woke up around 6:30 and I quickly informed him that we were not getting up until at least 8:00... is that terrible? I'm not sure exactly when Taylor got up, maybe 7:30. Then they woke Toby up at 8:00 as well as us. I think Drew just sat in the living room by the tree the entire time, admiring his gifts. Then once we all woke up, we allowed the kids to open their gifts from Santa and their stocking gifts before breakfast. Here Toby is opening his new Elmo video that Santa brought him. I can confirm that we have watched it at least 25 times since he received it. Way to go Santa!

Taylor and Drew got some MadLibs in their stocking... Love those! And Santa brought them a new Sleeping Bag each for Alive this year. I guess Barbie is out!
Christmas Eve we went to Church at 6:00 and then on to the Moser's for our annual Christmas Eve gathering. Everyone made it this year but Jeremy and Christina and baby Graham! It was a great time. Drew, back to the Star Wars, received the one thing he asked for over and over again. A talking Clone Trooper Helmet! As you can see from this photo, he was beyond words and nearly passed out!
Toby is showing off his Pajamas. Each year, the tradition is that all the kids get new PJ's. That is the first present they open on Christmas Eve and typically change into them right away before opening other gifts! It's a fun tradition. Toby has been into Monkeys this year, so he got PJ's with Monkeys on them! Drew got Star Wars PJ's (Go Figure)... and Taylors are the pretty Green ones with flowers!
And here are most of the kids around Grandma waiting to open their PJ's. Most of the older kids have figured it out, but the younger ones still aren't sure what is in their first present until they open it! This is Lincoln, Taylor, Averie, Kiley, Dawson, Braden, Grandma, Aunt Mer and Toby.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well! It is such a joyous time, and the gifts are just a bonus!

God is Good

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