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Saturday, September 20, 2008


This kid, I tell ya! He's something! I just can't put into words how I feel about him most of the time. He is so funny/silly, so caring, has a very tender heart, but can also turn into what appears to be a demon possessed child in a matter of seconds. Like when I say, time to put the skateboard away and go to bed, or you can't play playstation right now.

For about the past 2-3 months he has been talking about wanting to be Baptized!!! What an awesome and exciting time! While there have been a few baptisms at church during that time, we have just been talking to him about it and trying to make sure he knows what he is doing. At first, as badly as he knew he wanted to do it, he couldn't really put into words what it meant. But the past few weeks, it is all he talks about. He's been asking lots of questions, and it is all coming together for him. Last night, he and Nate spent a lot of the evening going through scripture and a few lessons the church provides for kids to help them understand. It was an amazing time to hear him answer questions with such maturity. Who is Jesus, Nate asks... "The Living Water" Drew replies, and "He is God". Listening to him read from the Scriptures is so comforting to me. I could listen to him all day. I also said, it seems like yesterday we were going through this same study with Taylor. That was 3 1/2 years ago! She has been a big encouragement to Drew as well. And as I pray with Toby every night, and ask God to guide him until the day when he can choose to ask Jesus into his heart himself, I fast forward... maybe another 3 1/2 years, maybe more, maybe less, to the time Toby is going through this study!! God is Good!!

But on a lighter note, though Drew can be serious, and is very serious about his relationship with Jesus... he can be pretty darn funny, too. I just had to share this little video of Drew at his first Soccer game. This should bring a smile to your face. Watch as the GROOVE begins in his feet and moves up his body... all while he is supposed to be playing a soccer game!

God is Good!!

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