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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

County Fair and a BUS!!

It is that time of year! Back to school, evenings are turning cool, leaves are starting to dust the ground, and the Wayne County Fair is in full swing! An even that can't be missed! If you want to know what kind of people you'll see at the Wayne County Fair... here is a good read! We took the kids Sunday evening and we worked in our church's booth. That was a lot of fun! We saw lots of the people that Josh wrote about in his blog walking by. We pretty much left right after our time working was done. We had had a busy weekend.

Then came Monday! Fair Day!! All the schools in the county have the day off to visit the fair, and I think 99.9% of them showed up this year. The place was PACKED!! We arrived around 10:30 and my dad came with us. The kids loved hanging with Paps, and he offered to buy them wristbands to ride rides. That's how this photo came about. While this was a spontaneous photo, it was not the typical attitudes of the day. I'm glad a got a shot of it to prove to them that deep down, they do love each other!

Here they are on their first ride. Taylor was a little big for it, but she dutifully rode along to make sure Toby got on and off okay. However, it does look like she is enjoying it!
The boys loved the motorcycles again this year! They were a huge hit last year, and once again, they wanted to ride!
The two boys rode the little ferris wheel. It was so cute seeing them smiling so big!
And Taylor had her first experience on a "Big" ride. You'll have to ask her about her wait to get on. It was long and grueling

And this year, the special feature at the fair were the Budweiser Clydesdale Horses. They are certainly impressive.
After the show, we took of for home to eat a little dinner before heading back for the evening. I know, we're cheap... and broke!! So we before we even left the parking lot to head home for a half hour or so, this was Toby!!Following his 20 minute nap and 30 minute scarf down for dinner, we headed back to meet up with some friends and some more fair fun. Here, Toby is enjoying being with his buddy Aidan.
Then... TODAY!! Was Toby's first time heading to school on the BUS!! He has been so excited for this day. I on the other hand have been dreading it. And I guess I understand now why! The bus showed up at the sitter's house at 7:55!!! YIKES!! That is way too darn early!! It was rainy today, but it was still nearly dark out! I called the school and complained. They said to give it a few weeks and they hope it will be a shorter trip once they have the route figured out. They said he got on the bus like a champ!
And the bus ride, ONE HOUR BUS RIDE, begins!
Sadly, there were issues on the ride home as well, and Toby had a one hour ride home. I was a wreck today! I was sobbing! I'm sure at work they thought my best friend had died or something. I had to walk out and go sit in my van for a while. I guess it was just all hitting me, working, being away from my kids, feeling totally helpless that my baby had spent 2 hours today on a bus. While he seems none the worse for it, I am still recovering. We will just continue to pray that they work this out and that he doesn't have such a long ride in the future!

God is Good!


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the link! I hope you guys had a sweet time @ the fair. Two times in one day, you guys are all champs in my book : )

Life with la familia said...

Poor Toby (well, and you)! Geez, that's a long time on a bus. What did they do, circle Wayne county twice or something?!?
I love the picture of Drew and Toby on the Ferris wheel - priceless!
Mike and I are have come up with the abbreviated Josh Atkin's 'people at the fair' diagnosis. Are ya ready? The fair is like Walmart at midnight only all the clientele has moved outside to look at animals and ride rides! True?