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Sunday, October 7, 2007

An Amazing Evening

What a day! It started off with Satan really working on us, but God ended the day in a wonderful way!

Beginning yesterday, after our trip to the ranch, we were concerned that we were having car problems. There was a large amount of Antifreeze coming out of the van. I had the oil changed a few days before, and we now believe they over filled the Antifreeze. It continued to leak some antifreeze this morning, but Praise God, we believe there are no major problems.

This morning, on the way to church, Toby became sick. I was in charge of breakfast for our ABF, so I had to go, so we turned around, dropped daddy and Toby off at home and headed off for church.

After church, Taylor had a soccer game. We ran home just to check on the boys and allow her to get changed. The boys were doing okay, so Taylor and I headed out for her game. It was 90 degrees here today! What a hot day to be sitting out at a soccer game, let alone playing in one. They girls did wonderful though. They lost 3-0, but the played their hearts out! I was impressed. I know I couldn't have played like that in this heat.

Well, the big event of the weekend was a trip to Akron to see Steven Curtis Chapman in concert. Let me give a little history... It was in April of 2005 that we attended a Steven Curtis Chapman concert in Columbus. He challenged everyone regarding adoption, and of course played his amazing song "When Love Takes You In". (Check out the link to the right of Toby's Journey video, featuring this song!) It was on the way home from that concert that Nate and I agreed, God was calling us to adopt, and we began the process shortly thereafter. We would later find that when we attended that concert, it was only two weeks after Toby's birth. God had it all planned! AMAZING!!

Well, Steven Curtis Chapman has also started the Shaohannah's Hope organization. They assist with grants for adoption expenses. We were blessed beyond words to receive a grant from this organization in the few weeks before Toby came home. Words can never express our gratitude to Steven Curtis Chapman and his family for their courage and generosity in starting this organization and helping so many bring their children home. A grant was awarded at the concert to a family waiting to bring their 6 year old daughter home! Praise God!

Well, we were also blessed to be able to thank Steven Curtis Chapman in person. His wife MaryBeth also stopped in and we were able to say hello to her as well. Here is a group photo... (be kind... remember it was 90 degrees today not good for the hair!)

And while I'm posting, I'll add a few from the concert...
One of Steven Curtis Chapman during the concert...
Here is Taylor with one of her favorite artists, Bethany Dillon


Anonymous said...

Wow, to be able to thank him in person must have been wonderful, and I'm sure he loved meeting you all as well. I'm sure you will never forget it!!

Anonymous said...

PS: Your hair looked fine!