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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Toby's First Day of School!!

Well! Toby was supposed to start school last Wednesday, September 2nd and he was very excited, but then... September 1st happened! On Monday, he was having a rough day and we thought it was a cold, but by Monday night, it was getting worse, fast! So Tuesday morning we took him to the doctor and he ended up having a breathing treatment. This was the first episode of breathing problems that he has had. After a day of medication and trips (yes multiple) to the doctor, we decided the best thing would be to be in the Hospital overnight. So Tuesday night, Toby and I spent the evening at Wooster Community Hospital and he received several breathing treatments. Here he is in his bed Tuesday night...

And here he is enjoying his wagon ride out of the hospital on Wednesday morning. Much happier than he was 24 hours previously.

But unfortunately, he missed the first day of school. So the following morning, he was doing wonderfully so we were back to getting him to school. But as you can see, he wasn't thrilled about the picture thing...

Until his "Dorothy" aka Taylor was with him. So on Toby's first day, we got a photo of everyone!

He's back to riding the bus and loving it, and his first full week (well minus Labor Day) was great! He really loves his teachers and looks forward to being with them! Hope he continues to feel that way!

God is Good!

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