It's been seven years!
Seven years since I saw your little face, kissed your precious head, swaddled your sweet little body!
Seven Years!
It's been seven years since I held your sweetness, couunted your little toes, said hello... and goodbye!
Seven Years!
We would have taught you to spell your name, with a "K" not a "C", count to ten, ride a bike!
Seven Years!
First day of preschool, Kindergarden, First Grade, all would have come and gone!
Seven Years!
Birthday cards, Mothers Day cards, home made Valentines! I would have quite a pile by now!
Seven Years!
The tears come less often, but the pain never leaves! The visits to the cemetary less frequent, but the looks to the heavens every day!
Seven Years!
Ask me how many children I have and I'll tell you three, not because I doubt your presence in my life, but it's too hard to explain that I have children that are only present in my heart!
Seven Years your mommy, for that I thank God that I had even a moment to call you mine!
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